On my last day I was walking around San Quirico D'orcia having a wonderful time taking pictures of everything I set my eyes on-from doorways to hidden parks to the craziest store I've ever seen, more on that later! However as always is the case my stomach was grumbling and I began a reconaissance mission on where to eat. Since it was my last day in Italy it had to be somewhere special! As I was walking down via Dante Alghieri I saw a sign for this restaurant that intrigued me. I walked through the main part of the building to a beautiful courtyard in the back. I loved it so much that everytime the waiter turned his back I went crazy taking pictures. Today I went onto their website and lo and behold, they have mini concerts in this beautiful courtyard. How perfect! By the way the food was amazing and I won't even tell you what's really on that crostini (and no it's not only percorino)!!!!!!!
Oh before I forget, while I was looking for somewhere to eat I walked by this little store with these beautiful antique brass cowbells hanging outside that I had to have. The sign outside read "Tutti per la casa" and believe me-it was tutti to the max! Hoarders italian style.................
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